Compressors with a rotary screw structure are preferred when constant air flow is required. You can choose between gear and belt drive machines of all sizes to find all the solutions that suit your needs and budget. It is the biggest focal point where you can turn your investment costs into profit.
Easy to use, efficient and safe, CPM series screw compressors are ideal for service or light industrial applications. Specially designed for high performance. It perfectly meets the compressed air demands of tire services, paint shops, vehicle services or repair shops. CPM is a comprehensive solution in a compact package.
Chicago Pneumatic sets a new standard in high efficiency, low noise level and outstanding reliability with the new CPBg 20-35 series. These units come with a new element, high-performance gearbox and high-efficiency motors. A wide variety of options allow you to easily customize your CPBg, while its unique design; It meets your needs in terms of user-friendliness, reliability and lifespan. With all these features, it is the ideal screw compressor for high energy efficiency and harsh working conditions.
CPBg series are very efficient and sustainable oil-injected screw compressors. Thanks to IE3 motors and gear transmission design, it significantly reduces energy and ownership costs.
A compressor with a belt pulley has a higher risk of downtime and maintenance costs. Unplanned belt tensioning and replacement operations cause production losses and introduce the risk of belt misalignment after service. That's why the CPCM is available with geared power transmission. There is no belt to replace and you enjoy low operating (service) costs. Moreover, CPCM provides 3% more energy efficiency compared to belt-pulley compressors.
General features of all our Fixed Speed Screw Compressors are below.
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