Why Choose Chicago Pneumatic Medium Compressors? (7-12 m3/min)
In compressed air applications that you will use for more than one job, it is almost budget-friendly with its high efficiency, flexible cabin structure, easily retractable structure, the opportunity to work more than one job comfortably, as well as its affordable price and low fuel consumption.
Like our compressors in all segments, our mid-sized compressors also feature many important unique technologies and patented technologies.
With these compressors, which stand out from the alternatives in the market with their compact and robust structure, you can easily perform the following operations.
After you choose the compressors suitable for your basic application, you can electronically define the pressure in the control unit while regulating the machine flow according to Chicago Pneumatic's unique Pace Technology.
With the table below, you can see how many crushers we can run in each of our compressors.
Our Medium Mobile Diesel Compressors: CPS 7.0 CPS 11 CPS 11-12
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